Not casually that leaders of the most numerous Moscow diaspora -
Azerbaijanians - try to show the big step in discussion of those problems
which were "antifascist" information campaign in the Russian mass-media. In
particular, the executive secretary of the Congress of Azerbaijanians of
Russia Eldar Guliev publicly declares that, by its calculations, to 90 % of
the Azerbaijanians who have lost in Russia are killed by fellow countrymen.
�Fellow countrymen, there are less than ambitions! - other authoritative
Azerbaijanian Sojun Saidov, achieved advises to the fellow tribesmen the
permission to installation of a monument to Gay gift to Aliev in Moscow. -
if Muscovites against they are better them not to anger�. About active
workers which has organised campaign against installation of a monument,
Saidov responded as about �the people telling reasonable things�. As a
result, the Azerbaijan diaspora, despite already obtained permit of the
Moscow authorities, has refused this idea.
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